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lolitas pantys http://fyukukyreduq.lefora.com/2012/03/14/best-lolita-bbs-links/ best lolita bbs links It's a lot to ask for any porno to make any sense at all, but this is a spectacular example of one where they came so close and yet couldn't quite manage to achieve a reasonable plot. The client says his wife left him, and then without even FIVE GODDAMN SECONDS of them discussing this event, they're doing the dirty deed - seriously, would two sentences of flirting be too much to ask before the husband moves on? Whoever wrote this thing has a very unflattering opinion of male loyalty, even by the standards of a porno. It's a hot scene and at the end of the day that's what matters, but seriously, they needed to do so little and it could have been incredible, I can't help but be insulted that they couldn't be bothered to show one line of banter before going right into the action.

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